AIIP Myra T Grenier Award for 2013

Jennifer E. Burke wins award for aspiring independent information professional from AIIP
At the 2013 AIIP (Association of Independent Information Professionals) conference, held in Denver, CO, the gala award banquet on Saturday April 6 saw a number of presentations and awards to members recognizing their contributions to the association.
“This is the time for for honoring new and veteran AIIP members for outstanding service, mentoring, writing, and creative business potential.”
I’m pleased to say I won the Myra T. Grenier award for new and aspiring information professionals and was recognized with a certificate and conference stipend. This came after an application, essay and review by the awards committee. The award made a big difference in my ability to attend my first AIIP conference.
As a winner, I will have the honor of serving on the awards committee to choose the 2014 Myra T Grenier honoree for the next up and coming independent information professional. I will also write an article about my conference experience for an upcoming issue of AIIP Connections.
To read the full press release and learn about the other wonderful members of AIIP from around the world who were recognized, please see the official AIIP release.