#SLATalk on the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Twitter Chat for Info Pros Feeling the Entrepreneurial Spirit
I had fun working with my info pro colleagues in two different professional associations to talk about the ups, downs, ins and outs of having an entrepreneurial spirit within the information industry or fields.
In mid-August AIIP and SLA partnered for one of SLA’s regular TweetChats, [follow #SLAChat to see the regular mix of discussion]. This time the chat was for information professionals harboring and nurturing their entrepreneurial spirit. It was an hour-long back-n-forth Twiter conversation with members from both orgs and the general Twitter public, and there were lots of good questions, feedback, tips and stories. We co-coordinated questions ahead of time to guide the discussion, but mostly it was free-wheeling based on who was online and engaging.
Naturally, as an avid Tweeter, my online alter-ego was quite busy during this chat. TheInfoHound shows up frequently in the roundup of Tweets in Storify. You can check out the slides [5,11,22,24,32 … and so on] – featuring me, TheInfoHound and also my blog post at InfoHound promoting the event.
Wondering Why a Tweet Chat? or What’s a Tweet Chat?
“A Twitter chat is a public Twitter conversation around one unique hashtag. This hashtag allows you to follow the discussion and participate in it. Twitter chats are usually recurring and on specific topics to regularly connect people with these interests.” [ Social Media Examiner.]
TweetChats are a great online community and relationship-builder, a way to engage with your ‘tribe’. Get feedback, give feedback and assistance generously and you’re rewarded. Wondering if there’s a TweetChat going on in your niche, for your interests? I’d bet there is! Librarians, teachers, educators and infopros particularly seem to like them – we’re social and tech savvy at heart I think! Check out this crowd-sourced Google Doc of TweetChats that occur regularly [not sure how frequently updated].