Spring Presentations on Marketing for RUSA + AIIP

Conference Season Brings More Marketing Presentation Opportunities
I’m a rare introvert who likes public speaking. I will jump at the opportunity to give a speech or presentation, lead a workshop, teach a class, host a webinar or otherwise get in front of an audience and share great ideas. It’s unusual – but for a marketing consultant it’s also just part of doing business!
April brings the start of ‘Conference Season’ and I may have overbooked myself this spring and summer.
My Busy Spring Presenting About Marketing
It starts on April 3 when I’m presenting a paid webinar for ALA’s RUSA division: “Content Marketing: What is it and should my library use it?!” I’m excited to update, refine and reprise a version of the presentation I gave for the Library Communications Conference back in October. I will share examples of some libraries I’ve seen doing a good job in creating, sharing and integrating great content into their marketing plans. And of course talk about why I believe content marketing is something that libraries can, and should be, taking advantage of to reach their audiences.The 15pp PDF resource guide of tools, apps, websites, hardware and software for content creation is probably worth the admission alone!
I’m also speaking at AIIP15 on Saturday April 18 (at 8:30am PDT – oh boy I hope someone brings me coffee!). Delivering a presentation on “Building Your Well-Oiled Referral Marketing Machine.” This is a new presentation on a hot topic for small business owners, solo-preneurs, consultants and anyone relying on word of mouth to bring in business, donations, users or patrons.
April marks the start of the 2nd year of my term on the Board of Directors for AIIP – the ‘let’s get all this strategy implemented’ year.
I’m also serving as the videographer for AIIP15 – including leading an all-day ‘studio’ on Thursday April 16 for the AIIP Media Minute. Inviting members to drop in and tell their Independent Info Pro story, give their 30-sec elevator pitch on video so it can shared with potential clients and prospective new AIIP members. Let’s show off the diversity of the IIP world and all that AIIP’s members do in their work!
Then we will have ‘crews’ (HA! Me and the colleagues I rope in or bribe!) roaming the conference to catch cool moments and our great programming. I’m renting or bringing a wide set of video tools: GoPros, iPads, DSLRs, shotgun mics, lavalier mics, mini tripods, LED lights, a camera mount for my iPad, panning video heads for tripods and ICE lights, all at the ready.
I’m also booked to do a presentation on strategic marketing for the Library Management Summer Conference in early June in Philadelphia. [UPDATE: sadly this company and the conference have disappeared since summer of 2015]
Followed by a trip to Boston for SLA for professional development, to give ANOTHER presentation (“Let Freedom Ring!” –the highlights of being and independent info pro), man the AIIP booth, attend a Board meeting and hopefully see my niece and nephew while I’m up there.
Plus work on a few client proposals, create a website, write more marketing copy, train some new content creation teams, implement a new email marketing system for an association and other projects.
But don’t worry – I’ll have time to talk to you about YOUR marketing, training needs or speaking opportunities – as long as they come after June!