Tag Archives for " Libraries "

Busting Myths: Does your library know what content marketing is?

busting myths-what is content marketing

Confession Time: Do you and your library colleagues really know what content marketing is, what it’s NOT, and why you should even care??! Let’s bust some old-school marketing myths that may still be swirling around out there in your library. Let’s talk about the type of marketing you MUST be doing to get attention these […]

Which Content Marketing Challenge Will You Pick?

content marketing is sharing your particular expertise

What’s in a Content Marketing Monthly Challenge? We did our prep work. We pre-stretched. We’re hydrated, caffeinated, activated, captivated and hope our work is appreciated. (ok, enough word slamming + jamming) Now we’re ready to get to some serious work and stretching in our marketing. Let’s pick our content marketing challenge for this month! Content […]

Library Communications Learning – January 2014

ALA MidWinter 2014 Philadelphia Convention Center

More Library Learning Time This Winter! I’m happy I get to spend time surrounded by librarians and learning more on what’s hot – or no – this winter. Participating in ASCLA workshop at ALA Midwinter (January 23-24 , Philadelphia) Going to sessions, exhibits, interest group meetings to learn, as I listen to librarians working on […]
