26 Reasons to Love Library Marketing (when you know these terms)

Yes, You’ll Have at Least 26 More Reasons to Love Marketing After You Learn These Key Terms
Just like there are tons of confusing terms and bits of jargon to in libraries, there are bunches of confusing marketing terms.
So I thought I’d do something about that. First, here’s a brief A to Z list of marketing terms you should be aware of as you go about marketing and promoting your library. Next up, I’m going to share a similar list of the A to Z of marketing tools and apps, including many I’ve tried, tested and reviewed. (or check out my earlier posts on favorite marketing tools)
But the biggie is that I created an annotated glossary to explain and illustrate many of these marketing terms so you can become an even more knowledgeable library and info pro. I didn’t think some of the online dictionaries or glossaries out there fit us well enough and they didn’t have examples or illustrations. Mine does – many from my own experiences and from great libraries out there.
Here are more than 26 marketing terms to brush up on. Go the full library marketing list to learn definitions, read examples and see the pictures, screenshots, illustrations and library examples.
Key Marketing Terms A to Z
- A – Automation – yes, you CAN afford and NEED to use it; Advocates/Advocacy; Audience; Authority; Awareness; Autoresponders;
- B – Blogs/blogging; Brand/Branding ; Budgets; B2B, B2C; backlinks; banners; baseline; behavioral targeting; benchmarking; benefits; body copy; brainstorming; B-roll; buyer
- C – Content Marketing; Crowdsourcing; Calendars; CTAs; Channels; Community; Crowd-sourced; Curation; Contests; Creative briefs; Creativity; Checklists; Case studies; Conversions; CRM; Content Management System (CMS); Copy; Copywriting; Customers; Customer Lifecycle; CPC; clickbait
- D – Data – use what you’ve got, how to get more; Deadlines; Demographics; Design; Differentiation; Direct Mail; Distribution;
- E – Email, Email marketing (which is NOT dead, or even dying); Editorial Calendars; Engagement; emotional appeals; environmental analysis/scanning; evaluation; event marketing; evergreen; exclusivity; exposure; eye-tracking
- F – Facebook; Fans; Funnels; focus group, followers, forums, Four Ps; freebie; frequency
- G – Google __ (alerts, +, apps, docs/Drive); Goals/Goal setting; Guest Posting/Guest Blogging; Geotargeting, GIFs
- H – Headlines; Hashtags; Heatmaps
- I – Instagram – can you make it work for your library?; Infographics; Influencers; Inbound; Integration; Interactive; Incentives; Innovation; Integrated marketing
- J – Jargon- don’t use it (use the Unsuck-it app); JV (joint venture); jpg
- K – Keywords, keyword phrase
- L – LinkedIn; Link building (the good way); Lists; Logos; lifecycles; Landing Page; Learning; Loyalty; launch; layout ; lead generation, leads; links; longtail; lightbox
- M – Mobile marketing/advertising; Measurement/Metrics; multichannel; marketing mix, marketing research; market (or market segment); mission statements
- N – Newsletters ; Networking; ‘Newsjacking’; Niche; NoFollow (web, to tell SEs not to count link or pass on ‘trust’ factors); nonprofit
- O – Objectives; Outbound; Organic Search; Opt-in
- P – Pinterest’s place in library communications; Pain points; Photos; Podcasting; Positioning; PPC; personas; promotion; promotional items
- Q – Quotes; Quality over quantity; Qualified; QR Codes; Qualitative; Questionnaire
- R – Responsive Design; ROI; Repurpose; Reach; Relationship marketing;
- S – Social Media Marketing, which isn’t a different kind of marketing; Strategy; SEO; Segmentation; SMART; Stories; Style Guides; Surveys;
- T – Target audiences; taglines; Themes; Tone of Voice; Testimonials; Thought Leader; Trends; Trademark; Template
- U – User; UX (User Experience); UVP/USP; Unique Visitor (number of visitors each counted only once that visit site over 30 minutes)
- V – Video, video is everywhere; Voice; Value/Value Proposition ;
- W – Websites; WordPress; Writing; Word of Mouth; Webinars ; widgets
- X – XML (eXtensible markup language)
- Y – “You” – talk directly to your audience, your users, patrons; YouTube,
- Z – Zine (digital magazine, often eccentric, oddball); Zero Cost Strategies