Want More Social Media Engagement for Your Library? Do This! Social Media is NOT a Numbers Game Have you been hearing (or even quietly hoping) that the more followers you get, the more conversations you start, the more likes, shares, hearts, retweets or whatevers, that the more your social media work will pay off? Thinking […]
The 9 Most Common Mistakes in Creating a Video – and How to Avoid Them For Good! You know by now that your community, your key audience, is watching video all the time. Video for marketing purposes is hot and getting hotter every day, so it just makes good sense to get your library […]
What’s in a Content Marketing Monthly Challenge? We did our prep work. We pre-stretched. We’re hydrated, caffeinated, activated, captivated and hope our work is appreciated. (ok, enough word slamming + jamming) Now we’re ready to get to some serious work and stretching in our marketing. Let’s pick our content marketing challenge for this month! Content […]